#Torrent installer mac verification
Change TR_CURL_SSL_VERIFY to TR_CURL_SSL_NO_VERIFY and enable verification by default (#334).Allow the RPC server to listen on an IPv6 address (#161).NOTE: Transmission is fully open source, with most code licensed under the liberal MIT License and with select code licensed under the GNU General Public License. Support for Growl notifications and dock badging keep you updated with what's going on so you can get back to doing more important things. Transmission easily lets you do both, and thus only works its hardest when you want it to. Or throttle their speed during peak periods. You might want to queue your torrents for maximum performance. Transmission allows you to ration this commodity efficiently. These days, bandwidth is a precious commodity.

All this is done in the background, without the user having to worry about complicated settings. Seamless configuration of your network, intelligent banning of peers who send corrupted data, and built in Peer Exchange are some of the features which enable Transmission to download your files as quickly as possible. Transmission runs natively on over five operating systems. Furthermore, it is free for anyone to use or modify. Transmission strikes a balance between providing useful functionality without feature bloat. Its simple, intuitive interface is designed to integrate tightly with whatever computing environment you choose to use.

Transmission has been built from the ground up to be a powerful, yet lightweight BitTorrent client.